Monday, December 1, 2008

Getting Down To Buisness...

Today I was mostly busy, like I was during the weekend. I didn't take any lessons (not by choice) but surprisingly I made in through the day unscathed. I was impressed with myself! And out of the blue, I've been feeling really close to Meghan again. I forgot how much she and I...hmmm....get each other?
That sounds a lot deeper then I meant it. Honest. We just laugh at things other people don't always laugh at haha.
But anywho...getting down to buisness....
I think I have to take two sciences next year. By the time I graduate I want to have taken AP Environmental, AP Bio and Marine Biology, all of which my school offers. Problem is I only have two years left. So I'm thinking I should take AP Environmental and Marine Biology the same year, which would be easy enough to handle.
Starting next year, lunch is a waste of time. Hopefully I won't have to drop Band too.
But Thinking about what my classes will be next year it turns out like this:
~AP English, AP Environmental, Marine Biology, Pre Calc, AP US, Music Theory, Band, Women's/Meisters, Gym, Lab.
Here's my problem, I only have eight periods a day. Use your fingers and count that. That's ELEVEN things in eight periods. Hmmmm....
Anybody have a spare Time Turner?

Anyway list time since I have to go do some homework.
1)Protective Boyfriends
2)Oppertunites (going hand and hand with Confidence)
4)Time To Plan
5)My French teacher for some good laughs + No Homework