Monday, December 15, 2008

Its Beginning to Look A Lot Like KT's Wedd-ing...

...everywhere you go.
From you Uncle's creative side
To the shoes that you must buy
before Grandma sews.

Yes yes, I did just re-write lyrics to the song "Its beginning to look a lot like Christmas"
Because this year, in my family, 'tis the season to be wedding.
Fa La La. Classic holiday stress has been completely re-done! Welcome to the world of
disregarding present shopping for wedding shoe shopping and forgetting about Christmas because
"oh crap the center pieces aren't done and grandpa just fell down again!"

Happy Holidays, everyone. Decorate a tree for me, I think we'll be skimping that one.

1) Family
2) Being Busy
3) Eclipse
4) New Notebooks
5) My trouble making snail

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Which Inquired Your Heavenly Song

What the Gladsome tidings be!
I feel like some form of Elizabethan Gentleman!
Anyways, this has to be quick because I'm on my way to Carol with the meisters.
Which is one of my new favorite holiday activities. :)

1) The Christmas Season
2) Singing Christmas Hymns in Church
3) Best friends (and their coats)
4) Eggs
5) Christopher Michael

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Ho Ho Slow Down!

Someone, somewhere is waiting for you
Watching you with patient eyes.
Someone, somewhere cries for you
When your smiles try to hide
Someone, somewhere gives a damn
Cause someone, somewhere has to
Someone, somewhere knows that somehow
they can't live without you.

Feeling a little poetic, I suppose. Maybe I'm just strange. :)
Yesterday was a snow day, though I'm fairly sure it was more of a power thing then a snow thing.
But either way, it was lovely and I got my work done. It feels good to be back on top of things.
Today I got up semi early to get the shoes for the wedding, then I went out to lunch with some new friends.
Hopefully I'm going to Chris's soon, because for some reason my house was invaded by six small and unfamiliar children. Do you know how much noise six excited children can make? Just checking.
So thats the deal. I couldn't blog yesterday, the cable was out, but it was helpful to not have the distraction.
So my list for today is as follows:

1) Poetic license
2) Gilmore Girls
3) Snow Days
4) Music (and refinding my love for relient k)
5) being ahead of the game.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

I could really use a stop watch...

But not like a regular stopwatch. I need a stopwatch that actually stops time.
They make those, right?
They should. It'd bet the next best thing since TiVo.
No, but really, I need more time. Not that I've been making the best use of every minute of mine but I have been busy, really busy, and I know it's going to continue straight through Christmas. Which is okay with me. Its honestly the homework that makes it stink, because everything else I can at least feel productive doing, but the homework really just doesn't sit well with me. But what has to happen has to happen I suppose. Thank god for best friends that put up with my complaining. :)
In other news, the concert last night was a..sucess? I suppose that's what you could call it. I wasn't thrilled but it was good enough. I think Meisters has more potential, personally. And leave it to my sister to know the song we mess up on which NO ONE else knew. Who was I kidding, thinking she wouldn't notice? Humph. But it wasn't terribly sucky. So at least we made it through. Besides, we'll get 'em at NYSSMA.
Now I've been procrastinating way too long and really need to get going on stuff. I'd post my to-Do (sorry sis, thanks for pointing it out. god forbid you let it slide) but it would take too long.
Also, I'm aware that I missed a few days. Get over it.
1) Potential Snow Days
2) Hot Chocolate
3) Chiara
4) Daddy's Christmas village
5) Electric Blankets
Oh, and did I mention I fail at Marine Biology? My fish died again. So I hear my town needs a librarian.

Friday, December 5, 2008

So Today Was....

...refreshing. :)
I stayed home from school, for those of you who don't know. We didn't get home until really late last night, and I had lots of homework and four tests today...but at the end my parents didn't even let me go, so I have no guilt which is nice. I did miss Chiara though.
But like a good little best friend she was texting me. Hehe.
Anyway, the Harry Conick Concert was great. Not my favorite type of music, but he is a very funny man.
And today was fairly productive. I made my to-to list as always and just went down it. Its six o'clock and I only have five things left. How lovely.
Also, I watched the first episode of Gilmore Girls, which is my next "TV on DVD" endeavor. I miss Buffy though.
Now I'm going to write my final english paper, then fry up some Perogies.
I'm kinda feeling cereal for dinner tonight. Anyone up for it?

1) Gilmore Girls
2) Hot Baths
3) Food
4) Sleep
5) Only 4 days until Mommy comes home!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Harry Conick Jr.

Concert Tonight! So This'll be quick...

1) Going to see my sister's pretend boyfriend with her
2) Not going to school tomorrow
3) Lists, again.
4) Three day weekends
5) understanding of the things we're learning in school.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Ahh, For The Love Of Lists

So school still pretty much sucks, but at least my math, global and chem teacher both spoke to me as in individual...
...and in a joking manner, imagine that. Someone pinch me.
In other news, I'm feeling very productive tonight. I've already done two loads of laundry and my math homework and cleaned the fish tanks and cleaned my room. And, yes, there is still English and Chemistry homework to do but at least I am bring much more productive then I have been in a while.
There's a church meeting tonight too. If that kills off my productivity I swear I will be very very upset.
Anyway I should get to my list for the day. Even though I could go on and on and on about life as of this morning but I figure...enough is enough for tonight. :)

Here goes...
1) Sisters
2) A Clean Room
3) To-Do Lists
4) The fast-healing action of the tounge
5) Fast Approaching weekends

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

I Want To Get Out

I love the movie "The Polar Express". Its basically the only thing getting me through tonight.
That and the phone.
I just don't know what to do about this school year at all. Its so annoying to have teachers that you are genuinely sure don't like you. And then to be taking such tough classes on top of that. Its so frustrating to not feel connected to your teachers, something I've always managed. And now I have teachers who are just genuinely bratty. I know, along with all this, that I haven't been giving my all, but its so hard to motivate myself lately. Its not that I don't care, because I most certainly do, but I hate school this year. I hate the whole damn thing. And the worst of all is that its only December, and I know I have no way out of this for a long time.
And what's out of this. Summer? Oh yay, that'll be great. I'm just not looking forward to Summer this year. I just see a lot of things that could go pretty badly.
I want Junior Year. Thats what I want. I want classes I like with teachers I like, or at least that aren't the ones I have now, and a fresh start. Is that so much to ask? I mean, I used to be such a good student. Sure, my standards are high for myself and by normal standards I'm doing fine. None of my averages are below an 85.
But this year sucks. Something is definitely missing.
Thank God Christmas is coming.

Oh good, after that post this list of Grace will be easy. And in case you didn't get my suddleness, that was sarcasm. I'm not like devastated, its just I hate where I am in my schooling right now. I really do.

Anyway, I do still have reasons to be thankful.
1) Christmas is coming
2) I'm going on a trip in January (fingers crossed)
3) Tomorrow is wednesday, which is one day closer to the weekend.
4) I'm watching the Polar Express.
5) I have one teacher in the building who I actually feel genuinely comfortable with right now.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Getting Down To Buisness...

Today I was mostly busy, like I was during the weekend. I didn't take any lessons (not by choice) but surprisingly I made in through the day unscathed. I was impressed with myself! And out of the blue, I've been feeling really close to Meghan again. I forgot how much she and I...hmmm....get each other?
That sounds a lot deeper then I meant it. Honest. We just laugh at things other people don't always laugh at haha.
But anywho...getting down to buisness....
I think I have to take two sciences next year. By the time I graduate I want to have taken AP Environmental, AP Bio and Marine Biology, all of which my school offers. Problem is I only have two years left. So I'm thinking I should take AP Environmental and Marine Biology the same year, which would be easy enough to handle.
Starting next year, lunch is a waste of time. Hopefully I won't have to drop Band too.
But Thinking about what my classes will be next year it turns out like this:
~AP English, AP Environmental, Marine Biology, Pre Calc, AP US, Music Theory, Band, Women's/Meisters, Gym, Lab.
Here's my problem, I only have eight periods a day. Use your fingers and count that. That's ELEVEN things in eight periods. Hmmmm....
Anybody have a spare Time Turner?

Anyway list time since I have to go do some homework.
1)Protective Boyfriends
2)Oppertunites (going hand and hand with Confidence)
4)Time To Plan
5)My French teacher for some good laughs + No Homework