Saturday, December 13, 2008

Ho Ho Slow Down!

Someone, somewhere is waiting for you
Watching you with patient eyes.
Someone, somewhere cries for you
When your smiles try to hide
Someone, somewhere gives a damn
Cause someone, somewhere has to
Someone, somewhere knows that somehow
they can't live without you.

Feeling a little poetic, I suppose. Maybe I'm just strange. :)
Yesterday was a snow day, though I'm fairly sure it was more of a power thing then a snow thing.
But either way, it was lovely and I got my work done. It feels good to be back on top of things.
Today I got up semi early to get the shoes for the wedding, then I went out to lunch with some new friends.
Hopefully I'm going to Chris's soon, because for some reason my house was invaded by six small and unfamiliar children. Do you know how much noise six excited children can make? Just checking.
So thats the deal. I couldn't blog yesterday, the cable was out, but it was helpful to not have the distraction.
So my list for today is as follows:

1) Poetic license
2) Gilmore Girls
3) Snow Days
4) Music (and refinding my love for relient k)
5) being ahead of the game.