Monday, June 22, 2009

It's high time for the winds to change

So...tomorrow's the last day of finals. Woo-hoo! And then it's summer.
I was just looking back at the entry I wrote LAST year around now, and I wasn't so thrilled about I'm hoping things change this time around. Anyway my outlook for tomorrow is to roll out of bed and into the shower and then get BACK into my PJs and head to school ridiculously early to take a dumb french final.
It won't really matter that I won't be awake because honestly it's in a different language anyway...and I certainly don't speak french! And then maybe I'll find it in me to wake up before the math final so that I can focus on all 34 stinkin questions. AND THEN I'M DONE.

Anyway...that's the plan... (rule the and me...anyday...)
oops sorry. :)

Monday, June 8, 2009

There's No Need to Complicate

Had an awesome weekend. :) Thanks to amazing people in my life. Whom I'll be increasingly grateful for as summer approaches and I have the time to appreciate them. Schools not as bad anymore,

What isn't quite as fun is getting kicked off the computer every time you sit down because the &*#$% family computer crashed AGAIN. So I only have a few minutes. That rules out the rant about the ocean plan, at least for now.

But HEY, YOU. TODAY'S WORLD OCEANS DAY. Buy a book or something. Converve water or electricity or recycle. Oh and don't use hairspray. Thanks. :)

In other news, the chemistry regents seems to get closer everyday....I'm working on a way to change that but if I don't suceed, you may hear me screaming from wherever it is you'll be at 11:30 on wednesday, June 17th, so there's your fair warning.

Hopefully I'll blog more later, if not then probably tomorrow. Hope everyone's having a good day. :)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

It's a school wide epidemic...

...I'm surprised you didn't catch it. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I'm a genious in math class.
Well i mean not actually at math, but very quick with the humor.

So, how's everybody? Goodness I say that like I have some public...well you're all my imaginary listens, avidly following my blog to see what turn my life takes next. :) Thanks, guys, you're awesome. Don't ever change.

Things are tough lately. It seems everybody wakes up to their difficulties. The end of the year means stressing and lots of tests, and then realizing over and over again exactly how little you absorbed during the duration of the school year. You know, taking the practice regents and saying to yourself....crap, I never actually attempted to learn any of this.
Final projects, final everythings. Its not exactly fun.
Labs. Labs aren't fun. But they're almost over. (No, not MY labs.)

Just in general though, everyone is having a tougher and tougher time being happy to wake up in the morning. And the more people get upset, the more they get self absorbed and when you're in a bad mood and surrounded by self absorbed people you're going to be in a worse mood....getting them even MORE upset....see how this poses a problem? Its like the plague. Everyone's complaining, everyone's stessing. And every day I can like FEEL summer, it's SO close. I'd appreciate if it'd hurry up, thanks.

Its late and I should probably sleep. Or at least be in bed reading. I'm just worried about people. I don't like times like these.
I hope whatever your problems are, they see themselves through with as little damage as possible.

"I beg have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and try to love the questions as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language. Don't search for the answers, which could not be given to you now, because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Love the questions now. Perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live you way into the answers."
~Rainer Maria Rilke