Tuesday, September 30, 2008


I found a new song I like...

Chiara slept over last night, and it was a good time. =)

Lifes getting better. At least, I'm pretty sure it is. But everytime I think that its completely gone something will pop back up again. So really, I'm using firefly as my inspiration right now. River is my hero. How about that?

Works for me.

Anyways, now I have to go do homework. Let me know what you think about the song.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Ice Cold Cherry Coke

Sometimes two hearts just can't dance to the same beat, and somethings are better left unsaid. Now, especially you sister dear, I have nothing I'm upset about so no worries theres no reason to call me and yell about how I didn't call you. =) In fact, things are looking up. The worst in my life right now, besides the obvious, is that tomorrow is only Wednesday. I have so much stuff to do, I don't think anyone comprehends. But I'm enjoying it, I mean, its stuff I brought onto myself. Homework is a side note. But its a side note that must be conquered. So thats where I'm heading after this little rant.

"She can see a little clearer now.
She says 'oh, I gotta go and find me.'
Oh, she found the strength to break free"

I definitely have something to say. Its going to be vague, because publishing my life's journeys on the internet would be, well, stupid. But I will reference to the problem I've been dealing with that my nearest and dearest know about. Its been consuming me, and confusing me, and I've come to a conclusion. Good days and bad days are a way of life. Heres this: I'm done giving in to the things I can't control. My life is strictly what I make it, and I'm making it mine. I have control, I have free will and most importantly I have the God given right to enjoy being alive. I'm sick and tired of the questions and the explanations and trying to catch up on whats going on in my own head. Its over, I'm moving on, I'm packing up and stepping forward.

"All she's ever felt is held back.
She says 'its kinda nice to hear myself laugh.'
She's gonna do a lot more of that.
She's making plans and making tracks."

I wonder how many people in this world would benefit from this kind of break through. I mean, honestly, I'm not the only one with problems. Every single person on this earth struggles with things, whether or not they're justifiable. So it really all comes down to your will to pick up and move forward. A good friend told me that "Innocence comes from how many times you've been in a situation to give up, and haven't." Its not about having some silly hope in the world, its about having enough determination and hope to keep going no matter how bad it is. Guess what, everything can get worse. There is nothing that can not get worse. But that rule is heavily linked to everything getting better. We're human, we mess up, we get hurt and stubborn and things go crazy. But nothing, nothing at all, can't be overcome.
Be strong. Trust me, it feels good. =)

"Oh, she's learning how to let go.
Whichever way the wind blows."

Thursday, September 18, 2008

This Road Is All You'll Ever Have

Goodmorning America, how was your night? Mine was....stressful, thoughtful, and now this morning I'm feeling the effects of a slight lack of sleep.

But three quizzes are calling, and a seating audition, so basically, chin up and go for it! Anyways its almost the weekend...which even though it'll be busy....will at least be a break from school. For a couple days at least.

Hope everyone is having a great day.
As far as blog updates are concerned, I've got some pictures to put up and I'm going to try and get a song on here but we'll see how that goes.
I wonder if I'm going to back to school night...hmm....oh well....

Talk to you all later!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

All Systems Go

Wish me luck! Todays the day, all systems go, we're having our Churches 170th anniversary celebrations. And I was put in charge of the music, so I did what I could to get a choir going (we actually rehearsed....a huge step for the music department in my church) and pick out some music and here we are. Hopefully all goes well, we have a few last minute kinks to work out but it could be much worse. Anyway, like I said wish me luck because its going to be a big, and a little more then slightly stressful, day.

Yesterday was the Homecoming Parade and Game, which we fun. The game was a little longer then I'd have liked but I had a good time. I actually might have sort of enjoyed a second or two of the actual game, but don't tell anyone or I'll never live it down. I have a reputation to keep! After the game me, mom and dad and Chris headed over for Grandma's birthday party and it was definitely a good time. So in conclusion, alls well in the world of Jessica.

Warning: This may change in direct relation to the outcome of today and the plans made for the week ahead.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Life's Like An Hourglass

Isn't she lovely? Isn't she wonderful?

Please excuse the Stevie Wonder reference. I just love this layout! Its actually close to inspiring.

And lets talk about that picture. That would be the result of an amazing best friend and school spirit day. The looks I got in the hallway were half the fun. The other half was the actual planning process with my love Kerianne. So in reality, I had an awesome day even after a week of not so awesome days. I just decided, you know what, its time to pick myself off and dust off my knees and say "forget this, keep going, its gotta end somewhere." So thats what I did. And it worked. In the long run, do I feel better? No, not particularly, but i laughed today and smiled today and sang today and thats enough for me.

For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, I'm sorry. Its something I'm keeping in a tight circle. In other news, tomorrow is the homecoming parade and game. So more school pride, in a less abstract way. I am not really looking forward to getting up and marching and I'm especially dreading standing on the field in all of our not so great glory, but hey. Its an experience and they'll be some good times to be had.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

I've made a habit

Because it seems one or two people actually read this blog. =)

So here goes. I'm going to kinda spruce it up a little bit tonight and put up a good blog entry and start tagging things and change the song...like spring cleaning in the fall! Speaking of spring cleaning...my rooms a mess. It has school papers all over.....which leads me to the masses of homework to be done.

If you read this leave a comment it'll show me if its really worth doing. k? thanks!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Nope, you lose.

Basically I'm not having a good time right now. K thanks.