Tuesday, October 6, 2009

What color is your parachute?

Junior Year's in full swing now. But I can't complain. Compared to sophmore year, this is a wonderful, WONDERFUL year.
Yeah, of course I hate waking up before God does and showering, trying to motivate myself to look halfway decent, and walking into a stuffy old brick building with a number of people I can't stand... but it evens out.
Here's how.
-I'm taking AP Bio. I'm aware that for MOST people this doesn't "even out" anything, but I really really like biology. It makes SENSE, and it's (deep breath) FUN. I get it, I enjoy learning it... maybe THATs why I wanted to be a marine biologist!
-I have classes with Josh. :)
-The workload is large, but it's not busy work, and I've found methods that really help me make the most out of it. I actually benefit from homework. It's like this totally new concept. It's great.
-I got a car! Toyota Corolla (spelling? Psh. Genetic.) 2001. Debating between the names Eve and Cricket, she's dark green, and I can DRIVE her. I really do. On the road with cars and everything. And at night! I'm a big girl now. :)

See how that works? I'm okay with it.

Friday, September 4, 2009

What would you do-o-o for a klondike bar?

Really, though. What?

I can't imagine they're that high in demand, but maybe if you were really craving it, pregnant or something... Hah.

As of now, I'd quit school and start over on an unpopulated island in the Pacific for a Klondike bar.

Wait a minute, I'd do that for nothing. Vacation time, anyone?

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Can you tell its September?

Things. There are so many things that have to be done. These things pile up all Summer but we wait until NOW to do them. And we all do it, some worse then others. Unless of course, you're all "on time" and "prepared" in which case... cut it out, you're making us look bad.
I'm off to church to play choir director. But once I'm home... there's AP Bio to do, and a room to clean, and laundry... Not to mention I need to do some serious fish tank cleaning. And I have to fix my laptop. It's necessary. But, somewhere I'm starting to feel.. okay with school. Gasp. It's been said. I decided to fall out of the classic stereotype, at least for these few minutes while my fingers are clicking over the keyboard, and say that I'm not dreading school! Structure and routine will be nice, at least for the first month or two, and besides it's really only the getting up early that sucks.

Oh, and my sim had a baby. :)

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Don't Blame Me

Off to Pennsic shop soon...because I leave on Monday. Ah! That can't be right, can it? Impossible. There's still so much to do!

Anyway, this was supposed to be an angry rant but I don't really have time. I just would like to say, generally speaking, communications are obnoxious. Agreed? Excellent.

Anyway, today consists of Pennsic shopping, chiara coming over, maybe some other news that could be shared at a later date... fun stuff. And then tomorrow I have a bonfire to see all my friends before I take off for two weeks.
Hope everyone's day is at LEAST as mediocre as mine. :)

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Freedom 2009

So it's summer! Yay! And I'm full of, well, potential plans. But potential plans are still plans right?
I got in touch with a long lost cousin last week, and that was awesome. :)
Also, I'm probably going to be getting a job. And (go ahead sisters, laugh) my permit.
And I'm going to Pennsic FOR TWO WEEKS AHHHHH.
And maybe even Washington, DC. Which would be fun. Plus I'm going to the Bronx Zoo and the Aquarium pretty soon...all fun things.

College is the scary thing. When did I get old enough to be looking at colleges? I know, it's like, a few months early for me and there's plenty of like graduates who don't even know what they want to do but that's not generally how I function and all of a sudden I'm filling up this folder with potential colleges and talking to my guidance consulor about not even coming in senior year...it's all very crazy. I don't wanna, I don't wanna!

..does that not work anymore? It used to work really well when I was like, two. I'm still cute I swear!

Monday, June 22, 2009

It's high time for the winds to change

So...tomorrow's the last day of finals. Woo-hoo! And then it's summer.
I was just looking back at the entry I wrote LAST year around now, and I wasn't so thrilled about Summer...so I'm hoping things change this time around. Anyway my outlook for tomorrow is to roll out of bed and into the shower and then get BACK into my PJs and head to school ridiculously early to take a dumb french final.
It won't really matter that I won't be awake because honestly it's in a different language anyway...and I certainly don't speak french! And then maybe I'll find it in me to wake up before the math final so that I can focus on all 34 stinkin questions. AND THEN I'M DONE.

Anyway...that's the plan... (rule the world...you and me...anyday...)
oops sorry. :)

Monday, June 8, 2009

There's No Need to Complicate

Had an awesome weekend. :) Thanks to amazing people in my life. Whom I'll be increasingly grateful for as summer approaches and I have the time to appreciate them. Schools not as bad anymore, almost...fun.

What isn't quite as fun is getting kicked off the computer every time you sit down because the &*#$% family computer crashed AGAIN. So I only have a few minutes. That rules out the rant about the ocean plan, at least for now.

But HEY, YOU. TODAY'S WORLD OCEANS DAY. Buy a book or something. Converve water or electricity or recycle. Oh and don't use hairspray. Thanks. :)

In other news, the chemistry regents seems to get closer everyday....I'm working on a way to change that but if I don't suceed, you may hear me screaming from wherever it is you'll be at 11:30 on wednesday, June 17th, so there's your fair warning.

Hopefully I'll blog more later, if not then probably tomorrow. Hope everyone's having a good day. :)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

It's a school wide epidemic...

...I'm surprised you didn't catch it. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I'm a genious in math class.
Well i mean not actually at math, but very quick with the humor.

So, how's everybody? Goodness I say that like I have some public...well you're all my imaginary listens, avidly following my blog to see what turn my life takes next. :) Thanks, guys, you're awesome. Don't ever change.

Things are tough lately. It seems everybody wakes up to their difficulties. The end of the year means stressing and lots of tests, and then realizing over and over again exactly how little you absorbed during the duration of the school year. You know, taking the practice regents and saying to yourself....crap, I never actually attempted to learn any of this.
Final projects, final everythings. Its not exactly fun.
Labs. Labs aren't fun. But they're almost over. (No, not MY labs.)

Just in general though, everyone is having a tougher and tougher time being happy to wake up in the morning. And the more people get upset, the more they get self absorbed and when you're in a bad mood and surrounded by self absorbed people you're going to be in a worse mood....getting them even MORE upset....see how this poses a problem? Its like the plague. Everyone's complaining, everyone's stessing. And every day I can like FEEL summer, it's SO close. I'd appreciate if it'd hurry up, thanks.

Its late and I should probably sleep. Or at least be in bed reading. I'm just worried about people. I don't like times like these.
I hope whatever your problems are, they see themselves through with as little damage as possible.

"I beg you...to have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and try to love the questions as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language. Don't search for the answers, which could not be given to you now, because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Love the questions now. Perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live you way into the answers."
~Rainer Maria Rilke

Friday, May 1, 2009

Bonfire tonight!
Had a yucky day, so decided to chill out with my friends. More later. :)

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Listen! To A Jubilant Song!

Just had the concert, and it was awesome. Totally worth the frustration that was erupting from the meisters when it was the last rehersal and we couldn't sing our stuff. Mom and Dad even came out to see it.

Oh, I should probably explain why mom and dad found it hard to attend...

See, remember that puppy I got about a year ago? Name's Sirius Black? Well almost two weeks ago now he broke his leg. And now he's confined to a crate and unable to walk and very very helpless. Someone needs to be home twenty four seven, which is a really difficult position to maintain. But still they came to my concert, and they loved it. They were even impressed with Josh's solo, but then, who wasn't?

Haha. I should probably tell me embaressing story, it would please my sisters. So today, we were talking about the hero's journey in english. And at one point, the english teacher was like "We're going to watch the first episode of a show that its the epitome of the hero's jounrney....I don't know if any of you have ever seen Buffy The Vampire Slayer?" and before I could hald back I squeled and my hand flew to my mouth. Everybody turned around to look at the geek who, because I am who I am, proudly announced to everyone around me that I had seen every episode. :) I also plan on watching the last episode the night before that english class because I've heard there's some awesome connections between the two so we'll see.

Anyway, life's getting better. I have more friends, and more fun, and I've learned A LOT.
It's awesome to have people around. :)

Oh and my weekend is shaping up to be pretty amazing, because first I have a bonfire at my friend's house, then shopping for a dress with mom, then going to my little niece's birthday part, and finishing off sunday with church and singing at shopright with my loves, the meisters. It'll be pretty fun.

And simply because this line keeps playing in my head, I'll quote it.

"Freeze ray. Stops time. Tell your friends."
~dr. horrible, with a PhD in Horribleness.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Family Weekend

I had an awesome family weekend, which was a really nice way to start out my spring break. I went out to my sister's house yesterday for much Whedon-related fun (and torture), and today was spent laughing on air mattresses with my cousins. Overall, good times.

I feel like I should have plans for this Spring break. I made a list of all this wonderful productive stuff that I was going to get done in my time off. But...funny thing about time off....its generally not productive. Maybe tomorrow's get away at San's will center my brain. Or, equally possible, it will fill my head with Dr. Who and college. Both are fun but distracting thoughts.

By the end of break, my room needs to be clean. Actually no, dang, by Wednesday my room needs to be clean. Grrrrrr. Also I need to..organize school stuff.
Not really worth my time right now.

Oh! Fun side! I need to watch Dollhouse and listen to Dr. Horrible!

And go to the drive in with my loves! That will be the best moment of sophmore year, I promise.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Don't tell Me its Not Worth Fighting For

I'm asking everybody to keep my Grandma in mind tomorrow during her knee surgery...she's an amazingly strong woman whom I'm sure will be fine. But if she wasn't, we'd never know anyway, cause she's not the open type. :) Obviously I don't take after her at all....

Anyway, only sixteen more periods until spring break! Should be a good one. I mean, the fish aren't dying, the weathers getting nicer, what could go wrong?

Love you all.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

We All Free Fall

Its been a while....

Things have changed. But we don't really neeeeeeeeeeed to get into that. I'm actually, however, feeling pretty good about life at the moment. I'm sitting in Chiara's room and listening to the High School Musical soundtrack. I'm aware this is a disappointment for many of you but its okay right now. Nice and light. And I've been thinking about life lately and i"m just realizing that...things can be okay. Like just things. Can just be okay. Because really, this is just high school. I have a whole life and potential and obstacles to climb and I'm excited about them. So the roads going to be rough, but I have some pretty awesome people in my life. And to them...thank you. From the bottom of my heart you know who you all. Anyway... to quote the music "You know how life can be..."

Hope all is well. Love you all, talk to you soon.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Busy Busy Busy

Life's been good...chilling out and whatnot. But I realized I haven't posted in a while so I decided I'd take care of that. My fish tank is going well...well, as well as can be expected from the National Fish Exicuter.
Anyway this was just a quickie so I'll be back later tomorrow to say some more.

Love love love <3>

Saturday, January 17, 2009

I'm blending in so you won't even know me

Align left! Align left! Sheesh. The things I put up with.
Actually I shouldn't complain, my sisters are being particularly nice this week so I'll align left for them. For now. But anyway, I'm off to Twelfth Night (is it weird that that spelling doesn't look right to me?) as soon as sister dear arrives.
I could be crazy, but I swear she said nine....it is now eleven o' three....but at least I got some extra time.

I'm going to rant about my weekend while my camera makes space for new pictures.

First off, I went to a movie yesterday after school with Chiara and then we went shopping and it was a lot of fun. We saw bride wars, and honestly, it was the first Chick Flick I've ever seen that wasn't predictable, so that was good. Throughly shallowly entertaining. Now today I'm going to be gone all day being scadian, hopefully getting my heraldry stuff somewhat in order...and just hanging out. Tomorrow I have church and after church I have no idea what I'm going to be doing. I do know that by Tuesday (we have monday off) I have to have my ten paragraph essay on technology written (dumbest topic ever the way my teacher presented it. No room for creativity or perspective) and my "Big Ass Packet" (global teacher's name, not mine) done up to number 115. Both highly entertaining activities as I'm sure you gathered. I also have to be ready for my...uhmm...I think its chem and french? But it might be math and french....anyway...those two midterms. Now I'm really not that worried about chemistry, I mean, so far I'm doing well, and i don't know what my sister is grumping about because its not that hard. :) I probably am more like the other when in education....because I really have geography.....anyway I am worried about french. Worst subject ever. I strongly dislike learning other languages I've decided. I don't know why dumb colleges want me to take them. Dumb dumb dumb.

Oh! Camera's done!

p.s......she's still not here. maybe I'll play Wii.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

If this is what you want....

....then fire at will
Life is good today. My room is clean, my homework was done last night, my fish tank is alive...
theres really nothing to complain about. :)
We had a snowday today, which was glorious. I got to do absolutely nothing. All day.
Like I said, life's good. Although I didn't talk to chi chi today....miss you!
Anyway, I'm off to shower, so I'll just get to the list.
1) Chris is getting un-sick
2) Mommy is coming home tonight
3) Snow days
4) Clean rooms
5) Actually....school. weird, i know. But I kinda don't hate it at this moment in time.

Monday, January 5, 2009


So without further ado, we welcome in 2009 with some resolutions.
Cause there are a good number of things I'd like to accomplish this year.
First of all, I want to stay on track with school work. It really matters now and I know that I am capable of being the student I used to be, the nerd who got a 100 on everything and annoyed the heck out of everyone else. Well, okay, maybe not that geeky, but you get the idea. I've been slacking. All this darn social stuff tempts you in high school. I want to make a balence, because I want to get into college.
And I ain't no athlete.
I also really really want to get back in touch with some people. And get closer to others. Old friends that are just hanging on by a thread...I want to strengthen that. I want people to know that despite PINOS, I can be a people person sometimes. I do actually know how to have fun, surprisingly. And theres some people, even in my own family, that I wish I knew more, could talk to easier. People I wish knew me. So I thought it was high time to get on that.
I want to have a sucessful and functionally nanocube by the end of the year. Preferably by the summer. That way I don't have to feel like the nation fish exicutioner. As of now, every time I go into the fish store to pick out my new pets I hear tiny tiny voices squealing "the claw, the claw!"
I should probably get away from that feeling.
I want to get better at being scadian. I want to fence, and I want to know people, and I want to have a thing that I like to do there. I want to really get involved in the SCA.
I want to fix my arm. I want it gone, I don't want to have the keep feeling it and thinking about hurting it and all that stuff. I just want to make it go away, whatever cruel amounts of torture by doctor it takes.
And finally? I want to do more with singing. I want to run for a position in meisters, and win it. I want to do all couty voice in october and get in. I want to start a Jazz choir.
So there's 2009 for you...now lets cross our fingers!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Its Time To Get Back Into This...

Sorry guys! I didn't mean to completely bail over break.
Things have been crazy...but lets start at the beggining.
The wedding went SPLENDIDLY.
In my opinion, I could have done better with the singing...
But apparently everyone else liked it so I don't have too much to worry about I suppose.
And The reception was awesome too, everybody looked great. Esspecially KT and Joe. Haha now disregarding all of the "cup of joe" remarks throughout the night there were some great memories made. :)
Christmas was also amazing. I got sick the day before christmas eve, so I missed the last day of school with all the parties. Thats how you know someones really sick haha. I actially wanted to be there!
We did all of our christmas shopping on Christmas eve, which though we aren't the most plan ahead type people we usually don't cut it that close. Dang wedding haha.
Christmas morning was beautiful, and the slight decline in presents was made up for one hundred fold by the company. It was also sirius's first christmas, which was fun to watch.
I got Animal Crossing City Folk for Wii and I LOVE IT.
New years eve/day were also really good. Chris came over and we all played monopoly until the ball dropped...and he killed us. Wiped the floor with us. It was terrible. But we all toasted in good spirits to the ball dropping and welcomed 2009 with excited hearts.
This year is decidedly going to be better then the last one.
As for my beautiful Nanocube tank, its finally setting in I think.
It really is hard to take care off!! But I love learning as I go. And we now have two healthy wish named Wildcat and Domino, three healthy snails named Hoover, Richie with a T, and Elly-Phant, a hermit crab and a star fish that are yet to be named, and an anenome that we call "The enemy" because its a pain to take care of. But its beautiful.
Tonight is Kerianne and Meghan's combined Sweet Sixteen party! Yay!
So thats how life's going. Consider that my list. :)