Monday, May 7, 2007

Rainy Day Rainbows

I wonder...why is it that life changes at the drop of a hat? I mean, you could have an excellent day turn into something not quite as excellent in a matter of seconds. More importantly...does that turn a good day bad? Does one bad event have the absolute power to change an entire day of wonderful events? Do we really live in a societly that allows good to conquer over evil so easily? In a more logical veiwpoint, it could simply be based on the severity of the event. Truely, winning a million dollars and then getting a papercut would not make my day a bad one. But on a day where I experience a truly depressing event, such as death or pain in a loved ones life, would a butterfly landing on my finger or flying by my finger give me enough joy to make my day count as a good one? And then, more importantly, I wonder if there is a right answer. Should we allow everything to sink in, good or bad? To be a well-rounded individual? Or...shall we fall back on the values that in a battle of good vs. evil good should always overcome?

...yes, stuff to ponder. On a more lighthearted note, I have gym tomorrow so i can forget about music class for at least three days. And I have a blog!! Yay me!!


  1. MarcoPolumbo said...

    But yet you will be acting like a complete MORON during gym.


    I'm just kidding.................=p

  2. Sandra said...

    A day is as good as you choose to make it. A butterfly can make it the baset day if that is what you want. I think you need to absorb it all and still let your true self shine through. Start every day with a smile and see where it goes from there. :)

    Nice blog!