Wednesday, November 28, 2007

wow i haven't posted in a really long time.

Sorry about that. I'm working on it! I guess I broke the rules though.....oh well. I'll get back into it. Its an excuse not to do homework so I'm cool with it.
Not many comments anymore though. Pooh. I was liking that. I actually don't have much homework tonight, but Marc-Anthony is coming later and there is a much-watch Bones on my TiVo that I need need need need need need need need need need need need to watch. K. heart's and hugs.


  1. Sandra said...

    We would be more likely to comment if you would stop posting about how long it was since your last post :P

  2. MarcoPolumbo said...

    I agree with the above.

    ...But, you know, I think I'm sorta obligated to comment, no? I always read your blog...but...if I don't comment enough, I'm afraid you might attack me.

  3. Willa said...

    shut up sandra. :p