Thursday, November 15, 2007

Help me!

I'm bored. I love blogging, but I'm bored! Theres no network, I have five blogs in my link list for goodness sakes! I need to have a network, more comments flowing in and more posts to read since only my sister posts liek every day. Other then that I'm not so lucky. Help me! What do I do?


  1. michelle said...

    Your charming and wonderful sister posts every day because of NaBloPoMo.

    Go and sign up. Better late than never. And...lots of people will stop on by to say hi.

    Also, go to people's blogs that you like and click through their blogrolls. Find some new people. Then comment.

    I know there's a really cool book challenge going on right now *cough*sign up

    Miss Zoot (one of my favorite reads) is providing writing prompts every morning as part of her NaBloPoMo page.

    The things you have to remember about writing is to just do it. Just start writing. Easy peasy.

  2. E Flo said...

    Thanks to NaBloPoMo, I have to TAG you.

  3. Marci said...

    Hi, my name is Marci and i'm new to Blogging and NaBloPoMo. Found you through the Randomizer and thought i'd say hello. I have only one person that ever really comments on my Blog. So i'm glad to know that i am not the only one that starts out slow.

  4. Unknown said...

    The key is to visit and comment on other blogs. You can use the randomizer on Noblopomo to find other blogs that interest you. That's how I found you! Once you comment on someone else's blog they will generally visit yours.

    Good luck!

  5. Rachel said...

    Your layout is beautiful!

    My best advice for getting comments is to give comments!

  6. erik said...

    I agree with both of Rachel's remarks, but let me also add that your comment section is Blogger only. I usually just surf away when that happens, and I'm sure others do, too.