Friday, August 24, 2007

Well I'm Back!!

Back, and feeling rather excited about Cape Cod. Its amazing, and something my mom and dad and sisters used to do every summer. It was really cool to hear stories and see old campsites and a trip down memory lane, only not my memories. Also, my first Vacation with just my family so that was nice. Now I would post pictures, but mom stole them!!! AHHH!!! So I will get a handle on the picture situation and work that out by tonight, pennsic AND whale watch and stuff.

Oh, the whale watch was spectacular, though no dolphins. :( . Twenty individual whales though, twelve Finbacks, Minkes and Humpbacks. The Finbacks are like the definition of awesome. Second only to the blue whales, they are the second largest animal that has every lived on this planet. They are huge. On the whale watch half of the experience is beign that close to them and really understanding that there are these huge creatures right under you and you can only see them if they want you to. They arn't very acrobatic though, the only sights we got of them was when they rolled up and blew out of their blow hole. They came incredibly close to the boat, so I'm not complaining! The Minkes are adorable, they are pretty small (alittle larger then dolphins) and very quick and fast. They are very acrobatic, but we only saw them rolling and blowing. Then there were the Humpbacks. They are just soo loveable! I think you only get that impressionw when you see them personally, but they are soo like slow and lazy and they are much smaller then a finback but they are thicker and bulky-er. And we saw the roll, or jsut hang with their backs above the surface. We also saw them flip their tails out of the water like when they dive. But the coolest thing was the tail breech, which was a humpback that just stuck the back half or its boday straight out of the water and waved its tail back and forth.
So now i will go unpack....