Monday, June 4, 2007

I just wanna live while I'm alive

Wise words. Why I put them as a title today? No particular reason I suppose....I got though half of season four of Buffy today! It was great, never a disappointment. Some of Spike's lines absolutly kill me though. Not that the accent and eextrodinary good looks don't help with the amusment. But still, the things he says are hysterical. So half of season four is a big accomplishment, but surprisingly not the biggest for today. Yes, thats right, my sick day consisted of accomplishing more then Buffy. I got a call around four o'clock from my vocal teacher with my NYSSMA results. Now before I break the news I must say that this was my first evaluation on a professional level. My music teacher expected it to take me a few years to get a high grade on this so I could move up a level and be evaluated on higher songs, and yet, here I am beaming with the news. 94 out of 100. Thats equals an A if I'm not utterly mistaken. I was two points away from an A+, and those two points were lost on sight reading. So really, I did much better then I, or my music teacher, exected. Now...all I have to do is get that sight reading down......


  1. wondering said...

    Congrats on both the singing and the Buffy viewing.

    Now hurry up and finish so we can talk around you!

  2. Sandra said...

    Go you!!! That is awesome, I love Spike too.

    Oh, yeah and good job on that other thing too ;)

    Just kidding, very cool news about the vocals.