Saturday, November 8, 2008

So Much To Do

Hey there. You're cool enough to read my blog. Congrats!

Well, this week is seeming to be pretty busy (at least in the begginging), but in a really good way.
For one, tomorrow is Church and then the return of my cultured sister from her brag-worthy vacation to pick up her two darling daughters.
Monday is the obvious school, and Chris's road test, and then I'm going back to the doctor and hopefully going to lessons to pick out my NYSSMA solo for the year. After all that theres a good chance I'm having a sleepover with two of my best friends and then since we have no school Tuesday I might do something later in the day with Chris.
Wednesday is school and then possibly a trip to verizon to fix my phone. Again. Thursday is school, and then comes the weekend, which really, is two far ahead for me to think. Sorry.

You know, I heard once that you should live your life for those you love, but that doesn't really make any sense to me. I mean, if I lived my life to make the people around me happy I wouldn't get anywhere. I think there comes a point where you have to accept your choices and admit to yourself what you want, and what makes you happy, and then go from there. Your life is your life after all. I'm not saying be a selfish brat who doesn't think about anyone but themselves, but don't disregard what you know makes you happy, and makes you feel like you're where you need to be.
Theres got to be some kind of balance. I think the hardest part is finding and accepting it.