Saturday, January 17, 2009

I'm blending in so you won't even know me

Align left! Align left! Sheesh. The things I put up with.
Actually I shouldn't complain, my sisters are being particularly nice this week so I'll align left for them. For now. But anyway, I'm off to Twelfth Night (is it weird that that spelling doesn't look right to me?) as soon as sister dear arrives.
I could be crazy, but I swear she said is now eleven o' three....but at least I got some extra time.

I'm going to rant about my weekend while my camera makes space for new pictures.

First off, I went to a movie yesterday after school with Chiara and then we went shopping and it was a lot of fun. We saw bride wars, and honestly, it was the first Chick Flick I've ever seen that wasn't predictable, so that was good. Throughly shallowly entertaining. Now today I'm going to be gone all day being scadian, hopefully getting my heraldry stuff somewhat in order...and just hanging out. Tomorrow I have church and after church I have no idea what I'm going to be doing. I do know that by Tuesday (we have monday off) I have to have my ten paragraph essay on technology written (dumbest topic ever the way my teacher presented it. No room for creativity or perspective) and my "Big Ass Packet" (global teacher's name, not mine) done up to number 115. Both highly entertaining activities as I'm sure you gathered. I also have to be ready for my...uhmm...I think its chem and french? But it might be math and french....anyway...those two midterms. Now I'm really not that worried about chemistry, I mean, so far I'm doing well, and i don't know what my sister is grumping about because its not that hard. :) I probably am more like the other when in education....because I really have geography.....anyway I am worried about french. Worst subject ever. I strongly dislike learning other languages I've decided. I don't know why dumb colleges want me to take them. Dumb dumb dumb.

Oh! Camera's done!

p.s......she's still not here. maybe I'll play Wii.


  1. Sandra said...

    Hey! I showed up and we had fun. You are just lucky I didn't see this before I came to get you I would have left your smart little butt home to do your massive amounts of homework!

    Had a good time and you made name and heraldry progress!