Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Hah! I can post Twice in two days!

So....here I am posting again. Its eleven o'clock and I am quite frustrated because I want to be in bed but dad promised me a rootbeer float and its worth alittle less sleep...esspecially since I have thursday off. So yeah. Thats it. Goodnight all.


  1. MarcoPolumbo said...

    But not three times in three days, huh?

  2. MarcoPolumbo said...

    I remember when you first got a blog and I scoffed at the idea. I said "There's no way I could remain dedicated to something like that for over two weeks." Well it's been four months. Guess I was wrong, huh?

  3. michelle said...
    This comment has been removed by the author.
  4. wondering said...

    Psst. Where'd ya go?

  5. MarcoPolumbo said...

    ...Hey you up there? Get your head out of the clouds and BLOG.