Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Don't Blame Me

Off to Pennsic shop soon...because I leave on Monday. Ah! That can't be right, can it? Impossible. There's still so much to do!

Anyway, this was supposed to be an angry rant but I don't really have time. I just would like to say, generally speaking, communications are obnoxious. Agreed? Excellent.

Anyway, today consists of Pennsic shopping, chiara coming over, maybe some other news that could be shared at a later date... fun stuff. And then tomorrow I have a bonfire to see all my friends before I take off for two weeks.
Hope everyone's day is at LEAST as mediocre as mine. :)


  1. Matilde Lourenco said...

    I LOVE a blogger a fantastic.

    I am Portuguese.

  2. Matilde Lourenco said...

    I LOVE a blogger a fantastic.

    I am Portuguese.