Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Freedom 2009

So it's summer! Yay! And I'm full of, well, potential plans. But potential plans are still plans right?
I got in touch with a long lost cousin last week, and that was awesome. :)
Also, I'm probably going to be getting a job. And (go ahead sisters, laugh) my permit.
And I'm going to Pennsic FOR TWO WEEKS AHHHHH.
And maybe even Washington, DC. Which would be fun. Plus I'm going to the Bronx Zoo and the Aquarium pretty soon...all fun things.

College is the scary thing. When did I get old enough to be looking at colleges? I know, it's like, a few months early for me and there's plenty of like graduates who don't even know what they want to do but that's not generally how I function and all of a sudden I'm filling up this folder with potential colleges and talking to my guidance consulor about not even coming in senior's all very crazy. I don't wanna, I don't wanna!

..does that not work anymore? It used to work really well when I was like, two. I'm still cute I swear!