Can you tell its September?
Things. There are so many things that have to be done. These things pile up all Summer but we wait until NOW to do them. And we all do it, some worse then others. Unless of course, you're all "on time" and "prepared" in which case... cut it out, you're making us look bad.
I'm off to church to play choir director. But once I'm home... there's AP Bio to do, and a room to clean, and laundry... Not to mention I need to do some serious fish tank cleaning. And I have to fix my laptop. It's necessary. But, somewhere I'm starting to feel.. okay with school. Gasp. It's been said. I decided to fall out of the classic stereotype, at least for these few minutes while my fingers are clicking over the keyboard, and say that I'm not dreading school! Structure and routine will be nice, at least for the first month or two, and besides it's really only the getting up early that sucks.
Oh, and my sim had a baby. :)
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