Sometimes The Hardest Thing and Right Thing Are The Same
Here's pegging this week as better then last week. Or the week before. But there, right there's part of the problem. The weight of comparing everything. You know how much mental energy is wasted on that? A lot. Just like judgement. We talked about that in Lit and Philosophy the other day, though I wish we'd spent more time on this specifically. We put so much weight on ourselves by judging right and wrong, good and bad. And not even in our own lives. In other people lives. "Oh, look at them. They're such a bad person." You know you think it. Maybe its because they're into drugs or because of how they dress or their sexual preference. They're weird. Its how they walk. I'm not on some campaign here for you to not judge. To accept everyone. As a person I'm not very open and loving, in all honesty. But I know, even in the most selfish of ways, it puts a lot of weight on my shoulders to put it on myself to judge everyone around me. Its not my place.
Now, how that fits into the things going on in my life right now, I really couldn't tell you. Its just something I've wanted to say that I haven't been able to say to anyone. So there you go, food for thought.
But do you know how hard it is to not judge people? Let's play devil's advocate for a second. (Disclosure: Spelling WILL be consistently incorrect. Get over it.) I know its easy to logically explain that everyone has a different story and there's no reason to judge people but its human instinct! Blah. Why is it so bad anyway? It doesn't have to be. It just can be.
So there's both sides, maybe unfairly balenced. Invested in the movie The Box. Its weird but it makes you think. Watch it with people you can talk to. And I hope you have a better week than you last one.
Catching yourself, when making those comments, is what will allow you to grow as an Individual. Doing things for yourself will confirm the confidence you have. Great article.
blog. yours. pretty cool.
found it while randomly clicking the "next blog" button, though i wish you'd update it sometime?
thats really true.
Always the right thing is the hardest too
ahh i got it
u have have got that cool blog and an attractive one
Anne Kensington (pen name).
While doing the right thing and saying the right thing might be hard to do which is why we're all inconsistent, we still have free will. I used to think I didn't until someone prayed for me, and my life began to change almost right after he prayed. He is a very spiritual man and very close to God. I realized that life is a choice. We might have certain preferences, one thing over another, but in the end it's still our individual choice of whether or not we choose to hurt ourselves and others by judging them, in whatever way we want. I'm no saint either, but in thinking this way atleast I make myself responsible for my actions, which gives me a certain amount of personal power, which is important to have to keep your/my self-esteem and self worth and self respect in tact.
coincidently I hit the next blog button too...
honestly I judge people who verbally judge others and secretly I'm everyone's biggest critic...nice thoughts
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