Saturday, April 4, 2009

We All Free Fall

Its been a while....

Things have changed. But we don't really neeeeeeeeeeed to get into that. I'm actually, however, feeling pretty good about life at the moment. I'm sitting in Chiara's room and listening to the High School Musical soundtrack. I'm aware this is a disappointment for many of you but its okay right now. Nice and light. And I've been thinking about life lately and i"m just realizing that...things can be okay. Like just things. Can just be okay. Because really, this is just high school. I have a whole life and potential and obstacles to climb and I'm excited about them. So the roads going to be rough, but I have some pretty awesome people in my life. And to them...thank you. From the bottom of my heart you know who you all. Anyway... to quote the music "You know how life can be..."

Hope all is well. Love you all, talk to you soon.