Thursday, November 20, 2008

Play It Again

So this is life, hmmm? Its kinda cool to know I'm in a place where other people have been in their lives. I mean, they survived, didn't they? Obviously I can too. I've been thinking lately, like, why can't we live for today and tomorrow? Everyone lives for tomorrow, but not many people live for today out of fear for tomorrow, and if no ones living for today then...what's the point. Isn't today somebody's tomorrow? Wasn't today our tomorrow once? But we just keep living for the future, and we're never ever going to live. I'm not saying "good call, lets go smoke some pot" or anything, but its just a thought.
My global teachers called me an Enlightenment thinker. Well, thats not true, he said we were all Enlightenment thinkers. He said we had not choice. We have to bring logic and reason to everything. We try to make things make sense, to wrap our minds around them and understand them. Do you realize how impossible happiness is if that's what we're striving for? Whats the point in having everything make sense? When you finally understand everything in your life, where will you be? And besides, what's so great about things making sense? How can you live a life where you understand everything when things are always changing? So if you're always pushing for something you'll never achieve and giving up the life you have in the process, you're going to end up never getting anywhere. I'm not saying to not have goals or aim for things cause that doesn' t make so much sense either, but happy mediums are always welcome.
Just some thoughts. I've been thinking a lot lately. I know, its a new development.


  1. Sandra said...

    So what you need to get is that thinking about tomorrow is part of what makes today fun. Not ignoring today, that is not the point. The point is that the journey toward that dream is an adventure that you get to live and enjoy every day. If you are not enjoying it then you need to rethink your tomorrow plan. Balance is VERY important. If you spend all the time planing and not doing you are missing the fun but if you go ahead with no plan then you are just drifting. If you are ok with drifting then that is fine some people are happiest that way but if you aren't then plans and making them is half the fun. The other half is enjoying getting to the finish line.

    Lastly, you will never understand everything but you should always strive to learn more.

    Well, ugly probably more then you bargained for but I was in the mood. :)