Thursday, March 13, 2008

We're getting a puppy, We're getting a puppy

Yay!!!!! I'm sooo excited. Saturday morning we're going to drive out and....well, according to dad, just "look" at the puppy. But I then ask why to just "look" at the puppy he's bring the right amount of cash to "buy" the puppy in his pocket. Just a question. Besides, anyone who knows my dad know's he's a total softy. There will be no pet the puppy then turn it down. Nope, its just not going to happen.

So there you have it. New puppy on the way. I'm just curious now as to how well it will go over with Brandy.....Hmmmmm.......

I'm so happy! He's adorable and he's going to be bigggg. Which is what we wanted. :)

Oh, yeah, other weekend plans.....Saturday night, probably hanging out with Chris.....Sunday my sisters are coming some point I might have to meet up with Meghan....maybe that'll be the Friday night play.

Happy Thursday, everybody!


  1. MarcoPolumbo said...

    I've come to your blog about 15 times, just seeing if you put up pictures yet. COME ON, POST PICTURES.