Friday, February 22, 2008

Jammies and Books

This is why I love snowdays. And why I force myself to do all of my gruling homework the night before even if I know that there will be a snowday. Because now, I slept until eleven, I woke up and squashed any plans for National History day because of the horrible road conditions and lack of things to do that counld be done individually, like the eight clay people I have to make. My little clay political cartoon army. So we all promised to do things on our own time, we all have a job, and we're going with it. Its better this way, in my opinion, because I feel like I need a chill day and besides we'll get just as much, if not more done for the NHD occasion in (gasp) two weeks. Other then the time I spend sitting at the coffee table working clay magic (haha) and watching TV I'll be reading, cleaning my room (something I actually enjoy at times), possibly some Buffy or Kyle XY, and probably some phone conversations later on. I'll eventually go outside, I made that promise, cause its so pretty and I haven't spent enough snow time this year. Maybe a walk, maybe some genuine five-year-0ld fun, who knows. Anyway, I'll be warm and cozy with hot chocolate afterwards, and I just can't wait to make this a comfy all nighter of no responsibilites and lots of relaxing.