Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Nobody said it would be this hard...

I have to say that I wasn't prepared for this year. My life has been, in short, a rollarcoaster. Any of my close friends, and maybe not so close on so oocasions, could easily agree. But thats just the thing....we're in eighth grade, teenage drama is to be expected of course. I went in knowing this, admiting it is a different story. But still, something is in the air this year. There is something that is making everything so.....spontainiously important. Does that make sense? Okay, I'll reword. No event this year was little and insignificant, not really. People this year were forced into a whirlwind of events which brought good and bad emotions, and many permenant changes. Honestly, I am such a different person now then I was. And this I can contribute to three people overall. My math teacher, my sister, and my cousin. Many others have drastically changed me, but this year these three people become more present in my life and such good role models (forced or not cough mrs.moreno cough). Between spending time with me, being there to listen, and showing me new ways to look at life and present myself, I've become a much better person this year.

But back to the fact that there is something in the air. I'm not the only one haveing a......peculiar year right now. I know it. Here, look at this. Or this. Thats just two examples of this tornado-year. Yes, thats right, tornado-year. I don't know what it is....I mean, nobody said it would be easy......but nobody said it would be this hard.


  1. Sandra said...

    The years will only get more...crazy. You will keep on thinking that it must slow down or get easier but it doesn't. That is not to say it is all awful. It can be wonderful and exciting as long as you can keep it all in perspective. Like Dory says "just keep swimming" :) You will do fine!